
Taming Guides

Spirit Beasts: (Beast Masters Only)

Loque'Nahak (76 Spirit Leapard) - Sholazar Basin.
Gondria (77 Purple Spectral Tiger) - Zul'Drak
Arcturis (74 Blue Spectral Bear) - Grizzly Hills
Skoll (80 Lightning Saber Worg) - The Storm Peaks
Ghostcrawler (85 Blue Spectral Crab) - Abyssal Depths
Karoma (85 Twilight Highlands)
Ban'Thalos (85 Green Spectral Owl) - Mount Hyjal [The Regrowth Phase]
Ankha (85 Green Spectral Tiger) - Mount Hyjal [The Regrowth Phase]
Magria (85 Blue Spectral Tiger) - Mount Hyjal [The Regrowth Phase]

4.2 Challenge Tames (BM, MM and SV Spec)

Solix (85 Orange Fire Spider) The Molten Front [Phased]
Deth'Tilac (85 Purple Fire Spider) The Molten Front [Phased]
Skarr (85 Gem Sabre) The Molten Front [Phased]
Karkin (85 Gem Crab) The Molten Front [Phased]
Kirix (85 Green Fire Spider) The Molten Front [Phased] NOTE: not a unique skin
Anthriss (85 Yellow Fire Spider) The Molten Front [Phased] NOTE: not a unique skin
Skitterflame (85 Red Fire Spider) The Molten Front [Phased] NOTE: not a unique skin

Cataclysmicly Rare Pets: (BM, MM and SV Spec)
Sambas (85 Lion) Twilight Highlands
Terrorpene (81 Fire Turtle) Mount Hyjal

Other Rare Pets
King Krush (75 Green Devilsaur) Sholazar Basin
Olm the Wise (White Ghost Owl) Felwood NOTE: skin very similar to Ban'Thalos
Tsul'Kalu or Uhk'loc (Silver Gorilla) N. Stranglethorn and Un'Goro respectively

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